141 thoughts on “Week 2 Post (Feb 9-13)

  1. It is never advisable to take a person’s belongings without asking permission as it is considered to be stealing. Similar to stealing is plagiarism, plagiarism is a process that involves using a person’s work without giving credit to the person. There are a variety of ways that an individual can avoid plagiarism and they should be encouraged. I always ensure that I make reference to the person’s work that I decide to use. Paraphrasing is also another means of preventing plagiarism and you cannot be punished for using your own words can u?


  2. Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song or even idea and passing it off as your own. Come on, let us admit the fact that we did this at least once in our lives. As such, I believe plagiarism is a form of dishonesty, hence when I am using someone’s work or quote, I always ensure that I cite the references and give credit to the authors of my sources.


  3. Plagiarism occurs when an individual/writer takes and use someone else’s thoughts,ideas or other materials without acknowledging its source. But there are many ways in which we can allow plagiarism such as:
    – Citing the source
    – Use the citation tools such as APA and MLA.


  4. Plagiarism can be defined as copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit (UCL.2013). Plagiarism is a copyright infringement that we should avoid, as it is unethical. We should be academically honest, when writing. I do believe that I can prevent plagiarism in my academic writings by conducting research properly and giving credit to the sources using the APA style referencing. Referencing properly, will presents credibility to my work. This is an imperative element of the academic development as it pilots to my accountability as a professionals.


  5. Plagiarism- is such a nice word to replace stealing. In reality it is, the act of utilizing people’s words or ideas without giving credit to them. The act of plagiarism in academic writing is one such way that dis-credits the individual’s character, integrity and sense of honesty. If I can’t trust you with people’s word how will I be able to trust you with material things and more so the future of our country (children)? Persons, inclusive of myself plagiarize at times without knowing, because plagiarism comes subtle and in numerous forms, namely: exceeding the word limit for quotation, not paraphrasing, no in-text citation, referencing, just to name a few. In order to prevent this academic crime I will keep myself abreast with the latest edition (6th) of APA, I will also credit all the sources that I have acquired information from taking into consideration in-text and referencing citation


  6. Plagiarism is copying the work of another person without proper acknowledgement. The idea underlying plagiarism is very simple, if you use the work of another person, you should give proper recognition to that person. Two ways writers can prevent plagiarism are by citing, this is an effective way to avoid plagiarism and quoting, when quoting a source, use the quote exactly the way it appears.


  7. According to Carrol & Zetterling (2009), “plagiarism is defined as submitting someone else’s work as your own”. In plain Jamaican terms, plagiarism is stealing! When I think of academic writing, right away I think of professionals; people in places that should have high self-esteem, high values, the right attitude and good morals. I find it disgraceful that these persons are engaging in plagiarism.
    Not only does plagiarism looks disgraceful in academic writing, but it is also unfair to others who are carrying out the same tasks and have to be working extremely hard and long to score a good grade, while others just copy someone else’s work and score even a better grade. Therefore I believe that those whose plagiarize should be penalized.
    When doing an assignment, in order to ensure that I do not plagiarize I try to cite sources properly, both in text citation as well as on the reference page.
    Reference: Carroll, J. & and Zetterling M, C. (2009). Guiding students away from plagiarism. Retrieved from people.kth.se/~ambe/KTH/Guidingstudents.pdf


  8. Plagiarism is taking someone’s work and using it as your own. Persons should not plagiarize because we were taught how to do referencing for persons direct words or thoughts. All we need to do is appreciate the fact that some spends time to put information together for us to use. Let us show that we are grateful for their hard work by referring to them when we use their information. I try my best at times to read and put information in my own words base on my interpretation of what was read or if I am using their direct words I make reference to them.


  9. I consider plagiarism as stealing someone’s information and make it your own without citing the source it was obtained from. Not citing the source shows that persons do not respect the work or effort that someone puts into their work. To prevent plagiarism I ensure that I cite my sources and paraphrase the information I have used effectively.


  10. My understanding of plagiarism is to take another person’s work and use it without giving credit to the source. Using your friend work may seem simple yes but it is stealing (plagiarism), using information from other website without crediting the source is also plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism we should: turn in our own work, when we copy work or ideas from a source we should credit the source, and use quotation marks making sure that the source information is true or properly cited and final limit the amount of words that we copied from a source whether or not we mentioned the source.


  11. Plagiarism is a small word but has a big of meaning. from my point of view plagiarism is taking someones work without citing the source at which it came from. Well according to UNC, plagiarism is defined as “the deliberate or reckless representation of another words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.” (Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, Section II.B.1.). plagiarism should be taken into consideration whenever we are doing research or any form of assignments. in today world plagiarism is a huge problem and it causes many students to drop out of school. in preparing my assignments i make sure that i do not plagiarize any of the information that was gathered from my research. at time sits hard to do but its a habit that i am trying to get rid of. so i make sure that i cite all my sources and if that is not done i make sure that i read and understand what is said and then put it in my own words.


  12. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Plagiarism is wrong on so many levels, as it is not just stealing someone elses work but it also fails to recognize the person that has rightfully done work and to give them the credit that they deserve. Academic Writing is designed to help persons improve their writing as well as their reasoning skills, so if during the period of trying to develop on these skills, person choose to plagiarize and take the easy way out, they are not hurting others; they are just limiting their selfs and failing to reach their full potential


  13. Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. In preparing academic writing I see plagiarism as being illegal, dishonest and each student should practice academic honesty.
    In order to prevent plagiarism individuals may quote the exact words, phrases and sentences from a source, setting them off with quotation marks.
    Secondly, by paraphrasing the information and putting them into their own words.
    Thirdly, one of the most important ways to avoid plagiarism is including a reference page or page of works cited at the end of your research paper.


  14. Plagiarism is when someone uses another person’s ideas or work and pretends it is their own. Engaging in plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty is a major breech of ethics. Plagiarism can be controlled, not prevent. One can prevent it by encourage paraphrasing so you have information that is perfect for their research. Read it and put it into your own words. Citing is one of the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. Follow the document formatting guidelines. Example. (APA style, etc.)


  15. Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s ideas, beliefs and perception without giving them the credit that is due to them for their work. In other words, it is the stealing of another person’s work.As students in college, at times we are guilty of plagiarism even in the slightest manner. As students, we will do courses that require a lot of research on our part, thus its is our responsibility to ensure that our work is free from plagiarism. When our work is free of plagiarism it shows a level of critical thinking on our part and this is necessary for us to function efficiently in the world around us and as professionals. In an effort to prevent plagiarism in my work i will ensure that whenever i use another person’s work i will acknowledge the source of my information thus giving them the credits that are due to them.


  16. Plagiarism can be defined as the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own. I believe that academic writing depends on borrowing material. In order to contribute your knowledge to a particular question you will be basically solving a problem, or making a critical intervention. In doing this we first must research the available sources and then refer to them as we present our own views. Every borrowed idea of text must be recorded so that the reader knows exactly where our own ideas end and someone else’s begins. In order to prevent plagiarism in doing a particular assignment you must give credit to the source you use when presenting yours views on a topic.


  17. Plagiarism is an act of fraud; taking something that does not belong to you and calling it our own. As it relates to academics, plagiarism is not acceptable as it does not represent ones true ideas,interpretations and opinions. It does not take much to avoid plagiarism, all we need to do is simply to write our own interpretation, ideas and or opinions without the dependent aid of someone else’s work and stop procrastinating.


  18. Plagiarism: wHAT IS IT? – University of kentucky http://www.uky.edu/Ombud/Plagiarism.pdf: Retrieved March 2,2015.
    Walking out of a store and not remembering to pay is the way I look at plagiarism. Plagiarism means taking the words and thoughts of others (their ideas, concepts, images, sentences, and so forth) and using them as if they were your own, without crediting the author or citing the source. Most plagiarism is willful, a sort of theft. It is possible to plagiarize unintentionally, though, by being careless or hurried, omitting quotation marks or slipping into the words or ideas of others through inattention or simply for convenience. Whether you meant it or not, you can be found guilty of plagiarism whenever other people’s language gets used without proper citation in your text.


  19. How would you feel if after you had completed a piece of work that you had worked so hard on and found out someone took it and make it theirs with giving you any credit? I know that I would be upset about the situation. Well, this situation would be referred to as Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of taking someone’s work and making it yours without giving the person any credit. As students studying to gain a Bachelors of Degree we must display honesty by acknowledging authors when we use their piece by citing and using of quotation and referencing. This will in return be beneficial to us.


  20. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Plagiarism is wrong because you exactly taking something that is not yours and as a students doing our bachelors degree we should avoid from doing that . If we are going to use someone work its best if Paraphrase it or quote the person. So i do not support this ideas.


  21. Plagiarism occurs when a writer duplicates another writer’s ideas and then calls the work his or her own. To avoid plagiarism i make sure to give the writers whom i borrow and quote, credit for their work.


  22. Plagiarism occurs when a person duplicates another person’s ideas and then makes it their own. When writing the best thing to do if you are using someone else work is to give credit to that person. Plagiarism is not accepted as it relates to academics since it doesn’t show if the person understands what the read or if that are just putting back the same information as it was written. Even if you want to quote a person there is a way to do this without plagiarism and this is to give the original writer credit.


  23. Everyone wants to live an easy life, to be a recipient of this, people plagiarize. Plagiarism is the act of using someone’s work and presenting it as your own. Nothing good comes easy in life, hence people are encouraged to work hard so that they can achieve their academic goals honestly. As such, I want to implore us all not to plagiarize because it will affect us in the long-run. With this in mind, I give credit to my sources when I am using other people’s work to assist me when preparing my assignments.


  24. Plagiarism is committed when an individual takes someone work and pass it off as their own without given credence to the original owner. Students at the college level should desist from this act as it questions their capabilities and competence. One way in which students can prevent plagiarism is to read widely and do their assignments on time, learn to paraphrase and give credit to persons quote used.


  25. Too often us as students get caught up in the game of plagiarizing. Plagiarism is the act of using and passing on an individual work and using it as your own without using any form referencing or text citation. We can all avoid plagiarism by Paraphrase, using Quotes, Citing and Referencing. I believe that if us as individuals read more and read for understanding we would be able to gain knowledge that we need to develop better work. It’s something that we all need to consider when we are completing a paper.


  26. According to Carrol & Zetterling (2009), “plagiarism is defined as submitting someone else’s work as your own”. This simply means copying someone’s work and using it as your own. Therefore if one student takes another student course work piece and turn it in as your own that is plagiarism, taking information from books, website, journal and magazines without not crediting the source is plagiarism as well. Plagiarism is unethical and I am of the belief that persons who plagiarize should be punished for their action. In order to avoid plagiarism when preparing my assignments I plan to: credit all the sources used and limit the amount of words that I copy from sources.


  27. In academic context, plagiarism is the deliberate act of including someone else’s work in a paper without acknowledging the source. I think plagiarism is academic cheating as Colleges penalised people who are guilty of it. When you understand how to use and acknowledge the work of others, it will help you to avoid plagiarism. In order to avoid plagiarism when preparing my assignments, I plan to adequately credit the sources in my papers


  28. Here at college , we are informed over and over not to plagiarize, but yet we still do it . Plagiarism is when you take another person’s words or ideas and use them as if they are your own. Therefore, as students we must give credit where it is due. We can avoid plagiarism by quoting author’s words if we choose to use their work in our writings. Also, we can paraphrase person’s spoken or written words to avoid plagiarism. This can be done by rewriting a passage base on what you understand from the person’s idea or thought.


  29. Plagiarism is using another person’s ideas and words, whether we read them in texts or hear them in lectures, without giving credit to the source of that information. To avoid plagiarism it is important that one acknowledges the source when quoting spoken or written words of another individual. If one paraphrases another person’s written or spoken words credit must also be given to the source.


  30. According to the University of Edinburgh (2011) Plagiarism is the act of including in one’s work the work of another person without providing adequate acknowledgement of having done so, either deliberately or unintentionally. Plagiarism is a solemn academic offence and is considered as cheating. Persons who are caught plagiarizing will face serious consequences so if I were you, I would try as best as possible to avoid plagiarizing. It is regarded an academic misconduct which is punishable under the University’s Code of Discipline for students. We can avoid plagiarism by ensuring that any sources used in submitted work are adequately acknowledged and properly referenced, and that appropriate standards for academic practice in the relevant subject area are adhered to. To prevent such an offence, it is advisable to follow these simple steps:
    • provide full citation of all sources (books, articles, websites, newspapers, images, artifacts, lecture handouts, data sources) used in the preparation of a piece of work.
    • properly reference the sources of the arguments and ideas used in an assignment, using the recognised reference system (APA or MLA) for the subject area. Both quotations and paraphrased or summarised versions of arguments or ideas should be referenced.


  31. Plagiarism is presenting someone else work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. Avoiding plagiarism is not simply a matter of making sure your references are all correct, or paraphrasing. In avoiding plagiarism ensure that:
    • Use quotation marks whenever quoting an exact phrase, sentence or short paragraph
    • Longer quotations should not be included in quotation marks, but indented, as indicated by the citation style in use
    • Select and use quotations carefully. Use them only when they directly contribute to your argument
    • Avoid quotations that only provide detail, common knowledge, or information that can be more effectively paraphrased
    • Paraphrase when you need to represent another person’s ideas, and a quote is not significant or suitable
    • To correctly paraphrase, you must change both language and sentence structure
    • Summarize if you want to provide the main points of another person’s argument in a condensed format, more brief than a paraphrase
    • Avoid taking notes verbatim or using the cut & paste tool in your software
    • Ensure to use the correct formatting in APA style and citations.
    • Make sure you acknowledged and cited all sources of borrowed ideas and materials


  32. Plagiarism. This word is always being stated and re-stated in almost every course of study i am in from the onset of my first year at Bethlehem Moravian College. Plagiarism is when you take a persons work and use it as your own. This is intellectual theft and moral dishonesty. We are always forewarned of the dire consequences that can result from the act of plagiarizing other persons work.

    I always source my citations whenever i am writing my academic papers. I also ensure that i read carefully and ensure that i have a clear understanding before i paraphrase. I believe that giving credibility to the author also gives credibility to my academic paper (assignments). I also use grammarlyy.com to check for plagiarism in my writing.


  33. Plagiarism is using other persons ideas and words without acknowledging the source of that information. When using sources in academic studies, plagiarism can be avoided by knowing what must be documented. By avoiding plagiarism in my academic writing sources that I have cited in my work will be credited. So authors work well not be passed off as my own work.


  34. Simply put plagiarism in academic writing is intellectual theft. It is a serious offence. Any use of another author’s research or ideas without proper attribution is considered plagiarism.
    Citing is one of the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. Thus I will follow the document formatting guidelines that is the APA style, 6th edition.


  35. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s work and not to acknowledge it. I believe that it is wrong and should not be done. I have always taken this into consideration in which ever study that I have done and make my best effort in avoiding this downfall.


  36. Plagiarism is taking people’s work and posing it as your own work. Plagiarism is simply not acceptable in academic writing. Persons go to school to make a better future for themselves. How can a person be making their future in the image of someone else by using person’s work. That is not how it is supposed to be. Persons should be comfortable knowing that it is their hard work and struggle that gave them that bright future ahead of them and not the work of others. It is okay to use persons work but they should be given credit for their work. Do not pose it like it’s your own. I make sure to avoid plagiarism in my working by paraphrasing information, citing my sources and citing them using the correct APA format.


  37. Dictionary.com define plagiarism as an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author: Writers can avoid this type of offense by paraphrasing other persons information and by giving credit to the sources, whether it is an in-text citation or just on the reference page. Persons writing academic papers should make sure they give credit to there sources so that their information can be credible.


  38. Plagiarism- is such a nice word to replace stealing. In reality it is, the act of utilizing people’s words or ideas without giving credit to them. The act of plagiarism in academic writing is one such way that dis-credits the individual’s character, integrity and sense of honesty. If I can’t trust you with people’s word how will I be able to trust you with material things and more so the future of our country (children)? Persons, inclusive of myself plagiarize at times without knowing, because plagiarism comes subtle and in numerous forms, namely: exceeding the word limit for quotation, not paraphrasing, no in-text citation, referencing, just to name a few. In order to prevent this academic crime I will keep myself abreast with the latest edition (6th) of APA, I will also credit all the sources that I have acquired information from taking into consideration in-text and referencing citation


  39. My understanding of plagiarism is when you take a persons work and make it your own without giving credit to the source. I try to avoid plagiarism when presenting assignment by paraphrasing the information and still make sure i give credit to the source.


  40. According to Dictionanary.com,(2015) ”Plagiarism is the act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author.”
    Some ways to prevent plagiarism includes: we should ensure that if someone word or idea use in our academic writing we give that person credit for their work; we should also give the correct information about the source of a quotation and we should also paraphrase; that is read it and put it into your own words. Make sure that you do not copy more than two words in a row from the text. If you do use more than two words together, you will have to use quotation marks.


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